I must say that each and every single woman in my entire family (and I have quite a large family, you know us Indian people, not to mention my family is female-dominated like nobody's business lol) fall into those categories I just mentioned, from Mother, my Granny, all my aunties, my cousins, to everyone else, the whole lot of them, they are all just wonderful. In the words of some random Guyanese guy: MEH LOVE YUH! :D
Now for the important question: How do I, Miss Miranda Rachel, view myself as a young woman? I find the following quote apt in my answer.
"I am a liberated woman. And I do believe if a woman does equal work she should be paid equal money. But personally I am feminine and I do like male authority to lean on." - Julie AndrewsAhhh good ol' Dame Jules, she can say or do no wrong! I completely agree with her because while I am in full support of women and men's equality, it is nice to have that male authority, not to carry women as if we were damsels in distress, but simply "to lean on" as she nicely puts it.
Speaking of Julie Andrews, she and several other darling ladies of the entertainment world whom I admire are to be given special interest. We've all got those select "Hollywood" few who make a strong impression in our lives amidst the other well-known faces, don't we? So in the next week or so, I will take it upon myself to pay homage to 10 beautiful women who have touched my life and who I look to for daily inspiration. It's a mix of both Old Hollywood and new, very few from the new, in fact, but there we have it! This isn't to say I don't admire other women, because I do, honestly! But these 10...well there's something about them that I can relate to and that makes them a little tiny bit more special to me, if you will pardon my bias. So look out for those posts if you like! Taaa!
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