Hello there! I feel that an update is long overdue! I've finally come back from my travels in Europe which was absolutely amazing and life-changing if I may say so! At some point I will attempt to document all the significant moments of my trips on here when I am not so pressed for time. Trinity Term just started last week and it is the final term of my studies in Oxford. It's really bittersweet to think about ... so I won't think about it. I will just enjoy my remaining time here and cherish all the moments that may come.
So, now for the all important question: have you heard the latest 2 singles Lady Gaga has recently released in promotion for her upcoming album?! I HAVE! And I will do a quick review of both songs quite soon. I'll do those first before I do the update about Europe since that will take a longer time trying to remember everything. Back to the point, the singles are Judas and The Edge of Glory, both fantastic songs that you simply must listen to. Everyone knows I'm a VERY BIG fan of hers so naturally I rarely have an unkind word for Gaga, but do take the chance to listen to them. Do not pass judgement until you've heard them properly.
Before I depart for the evening, I would just like to inform you (whoever you may be) that I have made it my mission to meet Dame Maggie Smith before I leave England in July! I simply must meet this woman! She is such a legend and a remarkable person and actress for whom I have the greatest respect and I just adore her to bits! I've been watching so many of her films lately and in all honesty, Dame Maggie is one of the best actresses to ever have graced the stage and screen. Just superb! Did you know she got her start as an actress in the Oxford Playhouse, across the street and around the corner from where I currently live?! And she used to live here in Oxford, not to mention her father was a professor at the university! Allow me to be dramatic when I say that I feel like it is my destiny to meet her! So if anyone would like to help me in my mission to meet her, by all means your support is more than welcome! I do believe she is currently filming the new series of Downton Abbey (fabulous show, you should all watch it!) at Highclere Castle. Just point me in the right direction and I'm there!
And I have a new hobby! Collecting books and various memorabilia of my favourite actresses who inspire me daily! My Barbara Eden memoir arrived in the mail for me recently and I can't wait to read it! And I currently have Eva Gabor's and Maggie Smith's biographies on my wishlist that I plan on getting sometime in the future. I have a feeling that I will be keeping up this hobby for the rest of my life :)
Oh! One more thing! I am extremely pleased that Judith Light has been nominated for a Tony Award for her performance as Marie Lombardi! She deserves it so much, having brought the character to life and truly doing a terrific job with the role. Many congratulations to her! I am so proud ♥
